Is your coworker making a lot of mistakes?
Not meeting deadlines?
What can you do?
Should you talk to your boss?
💎Here are some tips for dealing with underperforming and not being harmed.
1. Understand the origin of the problem
What is the cause of his difficulty?
Is he/she without resources? Do other colleagues also notice his/her flaws? Is the situation recent?
If it is something long term, it may be difficult to change.
If it's something recent, it could be that something external is impacting its performance.
2. What can you do differently? Look at yourself.
When we get things right, we give credit to our skills, when we make mistakes we blame the external environment.
So, is the problem really in your coworker?
When we have a problem with a colleague, we end up sending a threat signal to him/her, which further harms its performance. Rethink the dynamics of your relationship with him/her.
3. Talk
Ask what's going on. Maybe you find out that your child is in trouble or that he or she is getting divorced.
Offer temporary help with some tasks. Colleagues should exchange favors!
4. If necessary, talk to the superior
Choose carefully how you speak, because if your tone is complaining, it will look bad on you and your boss, and it will seem like you don't know how to relate and deal with impasses. So how do you have this conversation?
Discuss the challenges: Without mentioning names, say that you are not able to perform YOUR work well, because throughout the day you need to pay attention to demands beyond your activities.
Request feedback together. Your boss will ask questions about work progress and everyone's performance will be clear. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to propose new ways of acting.
5. Set expectations
Determine who is responsible for each task and have your boss's approval, as this will allow him/her to evaluate individual performance. Furthermore, you will be able to encourage your colleague to increase performance.
6. Find other ways to stand out
Reduce your interdependence with him/her. Ask your boss for our solo tasks and challenges, stating that you want to demonstrate your competence in other activities. Remember, talk about YOU and not your colleague.
7. Don't cover up mistakes
Helping is positive, but covering up mistakes is unsustainable.